Ramune Melon Flavor HATAKOSEN 200ml
(DK)Vand(89%),Sukker,Majssirup Med Høj Fruktose,Fødevaresyre(E330,E290), Smagsstof(0,06%),Farvestof(E133,E102)
Indeholder azo-farve (E102):Kan have en negativ indvirkning på børns aktivitet og koncentrationsevne
(EK)Water(89%),Suger,High Fructose Corn Syrup,Food Acid(E330,E290),Flavoring(0.06%),Coloring(E133,E102)
Contains azo-coloring(E102):Can have a negative impact on children's activity and ability to concentrate
Nettovægt/Net Weight: 200ml
Bedst Før/Best Before: Se pakke/See package
Produkt Af/Product Of:Japan
Opbevaringstilstand: Opbevares på et tørt og køligt sted væk fra høj temperatur og direkte sollys
Storage Condition: Store in dry and cool place away from high temperature and direct sunlight
Importør/Importer: Yokoso A/S,Lyongade 21,2300 København S,DK
Næringsfakta/Nutrition Facts:
Ernæringsfakta pr/Nutrition Facts per |
100g |
Kalorier/Calories |
164kJ/39Kcal |
Total Fedt/Total Fat |
0g |
Heraf Mættede Fedtsyrer/Of Which Saturated Fatty Acids |
0g |
Samlet Kulhydrat/Total Carbohydrate |
9.8g |
Heraf Sukker/Of Which Sugar |
9.8g |
Protein/Protein |
0g |
Salt/Salt |
0g |
Pop open a bottle of fun with this delicious Japanese Ramune soda. Known for its playful marble seal, every bottle is refreshing, fruity and delicious.
- Remove the plastic wrapping from the bottle's cap.
- The hard plastic piece on top of the bottle separates in two - use your thumb to push out the center part (the plunger), separating it from the outer ring.
- Place the plunger on top of the marble, with the flat, round side facing up.
- Push forcefully on the plunger until the marble drops into the bottle.