Afternoon Milk Tea KIRIN 1500ml
(DK)Mælk,Sukker,Sort Te,Sødmælkspulver,Skummetmælkspulver,Dextrin,Salt, Duft,Vitamin C
(EN)Milk,Sugar,Black Tea,Whole Milk Powder,Skimmed Milk Powder,Dextrin,Salt, Fragrance,Vitamin C
Nettovægt/Net Weight:1500ml
Bedst Før/Best Before:Se pakke/See package
Produkt Af/Product Of:Kina/China
Opbevaringstilstand:Opbevares på et tørt og køligt sted væk fra høj temperatur og direkte sollys
Storage Condition:Store in dry and cool place away from high temperature and direct sunlight
Importør/Importer:Yokoso A/S,Lyongade 21,2300 København S,DK
Næringsfakta/Nutrition Facts:
Ernæringsfakta pr/Nutrition Facts per |
100g |
Kalorier/Calories |
135kJ/37Kcal |
Total Fedt/Total Fat |
0g |
Heraf Mættede Fedtsyrer/Of Which Saturated Fatty Acids |
0g |
Samlet Kulhydrat/Total Carbohydrate |
7,7g |
Heraf Sukker/Of Which Sugar |
7,7g |
Protein/Protein |
0,5g |
Salt/Salt |
0,07g |
Select high-quality black tea and imported milk, adopt advanced blending technology to achieve the best ratio of black tea and milk, bringing you the unique mellow aftertaste of afternoon milk tea.
Ready to drink.