The 3M™ BEV130 is a commercial, food services cold beverage filtration system designed to reduce sediment, the taste and smell of chlorine, and cysts from the water used within soda machines. The system features a valve-in-head design which simultaneously shuts off and vents water, allowing for simple and virtually trouble free filter replacement.
The BEV130 ships with a for immediate use.
A Sanitary Quick Change (SQC) encapsulated cartridge design allows for fast and easy cartridge change-outs with a 1/4 turn. The system's 3/8" FNPT horizontal inlet and outlet ports allow direct, or easily adaptable connections to existing restaurant plumbing lines.
The BEV130 also features the revolutionary Integrated Membrane Pre-Activated Carbon Technology (IMPACT), a dual-zone media cartridge construction, which combines a membrane in series with premium activated carbon to provide superior throughput and cartridge life.
This technology produces consistent quality carbonated and non-carbonated cold beverages, reducing unscheduled service calls in post-mix systems by reducing sediment and abrasive hard particles, which helps extend the life of pumps, valves, O-rings and seals.